Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We really do live in a technologically advanced world. There are so many "smart" tricks you can use here and there to make your life easier and to take some stress off that old noggin...perhaps wallet even.  Remember when we couldn't wait to live like they did in the Jetsons or the future part of Back to the Future 2? Well, the future is here people so lets embrace it. And coming from a girl who wrote a blog entitled, Technology Hates Me, you can trust that if I'm using these time savers then they're simple and easy enough to adapt to your own life.

Perhaps most obvious of them all is online banking. Not only can you set up your accounts to be paid right from your checking or saving account but you can set the day on which you'd like them paid. This saves you time and money by helping you avoid late fees. Some companies actually charge "convenience fees" for mailing you a monthly bill.  Rude. If you get set up online in their system you can save $5/month, $60/year on this ridiculous fee (read your bills carefully).

The auto timer on my AC is a magnificent feature that I've started using since I've gone back to work. I turn off the air just before I leave in the morning and set them to turn back on 10 hours later. I come home and the air is perfectly chilled. I haven't gotten a bill for the time I've been doing this but I'm willing to bet its going to be significantly less than $110/month. I'm obsessed with the feature now; if I leave for more than 3 hours I use it. It's like a money saving game and I'm hooked.

I began ordering prescriptions over the phone a few months ago because my insurance changed and I basically didn't have a choice. I don't know WHY I never did before. I get 3 months delivered right to my door at once and all I have to do is hit a few buttons on the phone. All of my info is stored in the system so the call only lasts literally 3 minutes then I go about my day. No more waiting in line at the pharmacy to drop off, then having to go back "20 minutes" later to pick up? Check please!

Finally, get your groceries delivered if you want a good hour or two of your life per week back. I admit, I don't use a delivery service often but when I do I wonder why I don't use it more. It's so simple and fast! Definitely use a list when you go online, however, or you could be looking at food for hours. Like food is that interesting? Plus the list ensures that you buy only what you need and not a lifetime supply of Pop Tarts. You can even create a "staples" list so you can automatically replenish when you need them. Set a delivery date and time and you're done. No more wasted trips to the store, ugh: waiting in line, lugging bags into the house. All you have to do is put the stuff away. 

With so many options to lead a simpler and less expensive life it's silly not to partake.  And if you can put some errands on autopilot why wouldn't you? I think we naturally enjoy complaining to friends about the stressors in our lives and then bragging about how much we're able to get done. Because we're sick in the heads. Personally? I like to brag about how little I do. But that's just me.

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