Sunday, May 13, 2012


Don’t worry I’m not going to post every day, I just wanted to get the blog started off on the right foot.  And with this being Mother’s Day and all, well, you’ll see…

In recently cleaning out my mom’s old house, I came across dot matrix print outs of the tongue in cheek article she used to write for the local paper called “Mothers Day”.  I seriously couldn’t have planned this more perfectly if I tried.
I also found piles of stuff that I had written as a kid: books, short stories, lists of my favorite foods, what the weather was up to if I had nothing else compelling enough to write about (I was kind of a dork, but we all go through phases so whatevs).  And as I read through this fabulous literature I was overwhelmed with the realization of how much I used to love to write.
While in college, I took a “What Is Your Perfect Job?” test in order to figure out what to do with myself once I landed in the real world.  I discovered then, through the results of this test, that we carry more of our parents’ traits than we’d probably want to admit.  At the time I found it annoying.  I didn’t want to go into non-profit like my mother.  And real estate didn’t interest me either like it did my mom.  The list went on and on with these jobs that were “perfect” for me but that I had zero interest in.  But it makes total sense if you think about it.  Our parents help shape our thoughts and make us into the people we eventually become.  And as I’ve grown up I’ve realized the benefits of branching out into the originally “dismissed” corners of my life.
The mere fact I’ve decided to take on this blog and write a column just as my mom did twenty plus years ago proves that I’m more like her than I ever thought I would be.  And it's very apropos that it debuted this weekend.  She’s always teased me for my lists, for laying my school clothes out the night before (we’re talking pre-school here and, yes, I still do it to this day), and for my overall compulsive ways so I think she’ll get a kick out of what I have to say here.
A Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.  Because like it or not, somehow, some way, good or bad, they had a little something to do with how we all turned out.  

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