Thursday, November 29, 2012


I'm coming up on H's 3rd Birthday Party so I thought now would be a good time to share some simple party planning tips.  Use these to plan not just an upcoming birthday in your family but also for holiday parties all month long.  Parties only have to get as complicated as you let them - check out what I find to be helpful below and see what you can't bring to your next event.

To come up with a theme start with what the guest of honor likes.  Trains, construction, princesses, super heros, ice skating?  OK, there's your theme - yeah it's that simple.  Now run with it.  I saw the cutest article about a 5th birthday in Parents Magazine this month where the kid loved office supplies.  The table runner was made from bubble wrap, centerpieces were made of elastic balls, paperclips were used to hold signs, etc.  It was super cute but so simple if you think about it.  The key is to think INside the box of all that goes with the decided upon theme.

So your guests know what to expect, start with the invite, of course.  It gives a glimpse of what's to come, not only by giving place, date and time but by displaying the theme in a creative way.  Take the princess theme for example.  Mock up a pic of your little one dressed up in her favorite fancy dress and let that be your invite.  Or use pre-made tiara, frog, or carriage invites.

For the party, think like your guest of honor and his friends.  Kids have short attention spans so keep the party short - 2 - 2.5 hours max?  Is your child still napping?  Then chances are their friends are too - try to plan the party around said nap time.  And don't forget to incorporate kid-friendly foods (extra points if you match them to the theme).  Have things that they'll gladly snack on available but don't forget the parents.  If you can swing it, have another option for the chaperones; grown ups aren't always pleased with chicken fingers and french fries.

Be sure to keep things moving.  If you have a few activities planned, kids won't get bored (read cranky and ready for a meltdown). A half hour each of a few crafts, stories, or entertainment paired with lunch and cake and there you have it.  You've got yourself a party, my friends.

End it all with favor bags for friends to take away in order to remember the best party ever.  Keep with the theme and all will not be forgotten.  And remember, food/candy is always a good takeaway.

Start planning far enough in advance so that you can get a schedule in order and get tasks ticked off your list slowly but surely.  But not too far that you end up with a party that's disjointed and over thought.  Remember, you don't want to be exhausted on the day of the party; the idea is to actually enjoy it.

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