Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I don't believe in multitasking.  In fact, I think it's a terrible practice and should be avoided at all costs.  I can see the mouths dropping open now.  How does one stay so organized without doing so many things at once??  Easy.  PS, there's a difference between doing more than one project/task at any given time and "multitasking", I should specify.  As defined by dictionary.com, multitasking is "the concurrent or interleaved execution of two or more jobs by a CPU".  CPU?  We're not computers people, let's stop trying to act like them!

When we try to multitask things get effed up.  One person can't talk on the phone, write an email, and finish a job for the big boss at the same time - something inevitably gets screwed up.  Think of when you try to have a conversation with your husband/boyfriend while he's watching TV.  Not happening.  But they have it right; our brain can only process so much at once without screwing things up.

Now, managing multiple projects at once?  Planning a few events at a time while going about your days, starting laundry while cooking dinner?  Totally doable.  As long as one can focus and see a job through to the end or at least manage a long term project properly before getting tangled up in another then all is good.  My feeling is finish a job and finish it well before moving on to the next.  You'll be sure to avoid sloppiness and ensure a job well done.

This is based on zero research, mind you, just years of practice and watching others kind of fumble along.  And I know in my gut that it's right.  I'm not saying that you can't lotion up your hands, pop on some gloves and go to town on the dishes.  That's multitasking, I suppose.  Just be smart about it, kids.

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